Swim Basics – effortless ‘Water Gliding’

• Key Point no1, Body Position!

The foundation of good swimming starts from the beginning and stays all the way throughout the swimmers career. Swimming with lift or what I have now decided to call ‘Water Gliding’ is what in my opinion is The very best foundation of any swim stroke.

Below are two diagrams that show the good and the not so good methods of swimming.

In the top diagram the swimmers head position set at around 45 degrees, means that the natural buoyancy or ‘uplift’ is lost, this means the swimmer sinks more because of a negative body position. He looks like a badly trimmed boat. Making him slower and requiring more effort to move forwards through the water.

In the bottom diagram the swimmer is looking directly into the swim mirror. His head is now fully submerged and his legs are naturally lifted making him more buoyant. This added buoyancy means that he now starts to glide forwards and is lifted through the water.

He can now relax and breath easily which in turn, requires less energy to get his forward momentum going with added arm action.

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